Sunday, December 23, 2018

Note 153

What is an identity? It is a function of the systemic totality of things, which enables the particular pragmatic frames within which individual things acquire meaning. This is conditioned by principles of materiality, and principles of system-consciousness. Practice (forms of life) are the product of their interaction. Functionality is the motivating factor, at least in social forms of identity. (It is embedded in some way in other genres of thinking, perhaps as a condition for thinking itself.)

Human nature is a particular functional requirement in the system, due to human agency as the limiting factor and the value of work, so the evolution of society has often been traced to the use of principles and incentives that condition this. However, the role of consciousness in discovering new ways of identifying systems, increases the permutations within particular functional parameters. Here, materiality and resolution interact, but distribution of power resources tends to generate an equilibrium, which is constantly shifted from the role of new ideas and conditions about the role and nature of human agency.

Note 152

In the applied sense, a positive and negative freedom is embodied in a freedom.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Philosophical Investigations Note 8

Things are the intersection of systems, defined in terms of the ways they relate to each other.

So is meaning, a second-order relation of things (embodying the relation of systems of thought).

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Descartes 1

Descartes was misguided. The world is simulation. Then why something not nothing? Existence is relative. So must the self exist? Only in relation to that which it exists in relation to. The self and the world only exist in relation to each other.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Note 151

What is culture? It is essentially a relation of one set of properties of a reflexive system to another.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Note 150

On history:

1. The search for political, social order and equality
2. The search for cultural perfectibility
3. The search for human perfectibility

The end of history reconciles the possibility of obtaining all 3 that covers the scope of the diversity of political, human and social objectives. The spirit of an era gives direction to, and shapes its institutional forms and objectives, as well as the hermeneutics of the interactions that make up the functioning of a myriad of social systems, within the context of a present and evolving pattern of material relationships. The role of incorporation of additional elements adds an open-endedness, and an additional layer of adaptive complexity, to this evolving system.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Note 149

Meaning is the structure of relations of meanings. “Context” is just a way of foregrounding this concept as we apply meanings in relation to each other via propositions.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Note 148

Any real solution to dualism must transcend dualism, and show us the way to what lies beyond it. This applies to both epistemic and ontological questions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Note 147

What defines power? Depends on your objective. What defines objective? Systems, which give rise to goals and meaning.

Systems create dynamics that drive adaptation, whether convergence or divergence; they create strong self-perpetuating institutional forms.

Power is essentially systemic. It is an advantage due to certain properties within a given system. This positional advantage is cashed out as power in various forms. Partial analysis is a useful heuristic but misleading if taken literally.

Friday, June 01, 2018

Philosophical Investigations Note 7

Those who can describe who they are are either simplistic, deluded or lying.

Those who can’t have serious split personality issues.

Therefore, I can describe who I am, and I cannot describe who I am.

Because meaning is context dependent, it cannot encompass structure.

Therefore the picture theory of meaning is false.

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Note 146

Systems of thought may share reference points and patterns in the way its concepts refer to other concepts and things, that can be translated to other systems of thought- and others which may not be so translatable. This is not because they are cognitively incommensurable but because the significance of the component relationship or idea can only be grasped in terms of the broader implications it has for the system of thought to which it relates, which therefore conditions it’s meaning. In that sense, the way concepts refer to common phenomena, are an anchor point for referencing across systems.

This has nothing to do with the broader point about the ontological reality of the reference, but the epistemic one about the role that the reference plays in our language games when we posit systems of thought.

This is not pre-determined by the theory, but by how we choose to understand it, as a description of a plural reality, or a description of a single reality. If we are agnostic to this and see it as an interpretation of experienced reality, there is no reason why one account can not replace another, unless it is defined (problematicized) differently.

Friday, May 04, 2018

Note 145

What is the teleology of things? A cause, value, identity nexus. Intellection is a part of this process, so it is inherently conservative.

Systems are a composite of things, and an interaction of micro-teleologies. Incorporation is part of a process of changes in teleological aims, preserved through individual identities and social forms, as the developmental process (combining dialectics, technological re-parameterization; and emergent choices) alters the teleological structure over time.

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Note 144

The world lies in the coexistence of opposites. The paradox is the knot that ties the idea to reality.

Is a system of binaries, like a binary code, a fact about the world, or a condition of our thought? Or a condition of the process of framing? Are any of these questions meaningfully answerable?

Monday, April 30, 2018

Note 143

Knowledge is a synthesis of question and answer.

Underlying facts (patterns that give rise to all possible answers to all possible questions) form the basis of validity.

Does this mean that questions form the patterns of underlying facts? Not necessarily.

But in the social sciences, reflexivity poses additional problems.

Grammar is a posing of problems.

This limits our access to underlying facts to a certain viewpoint.

Underlying facts is something we infer. Or we can do away with validity altogether.

It depends on our frame of mind.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Note 142

The world of complete markets is a world of standardization, where the relationship to our environment and its aspect that make us human are lost. All our activities are therein proscribed, and money is but access to restriction. Such is, in embryo, the middle class and the sterility of its outlook.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Note 141: On Truth

Philosophy - a rationalization of the unknowable in terms that are unknown.

What we call truth are properly speaking patterns of regularity - we get no privileged access to what we don’t already have.

It remains impossible to know how much we know, for that would already presuppose that we knew what truth in relation to itself is, which is precisely what we don’t know.

We cannot know what truth-in-itself is (or speak coherently about it) but what truth is to us must be given perspectivally. But the presumption of our ability to approach objective truth is dependent on the consistency of truth in relation to itself (which is the best we can do) with truth in relation to us.

This has nothing to do with truth-in-itself.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Weber Notes 2

“It is certain that the integrity of personality flows from the existence of values to which it’s own life is related. And if on occasion these values were located exclusively within the sphere of its own individuality, then self-realisation with respect to just those interests for which it claims validity as values is the idea to which personality relates itself.” -Max Weber

Interests directed at external validity; validity defined as interest: that is how the personality relates itself to itself; as valuing thing to self-interested thing.

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Note 140

Existence is a framework within which one thing relates to another. It is a pragmatic concept. Applied to experience, it is a framework by which the contents are related to each other.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Note 139

Truth and duality coexist. Truth is what we call our ideas; consistency is what we get in the world. So it is meaningless to say what is true in the world. But there are standards of truth in what we think of it; given by the world. This makes our statements about our thoughts about the world true or false - it does not make our statements about the world true or false. The language games that translate the former into the latter may take different forms.

Time just is the process of determinacy interacting with indeterminacy. Laws are determinate; but states of the world are not. So multiple equilibriums are possible.

Language games translate properties into meanings that relate to each other. For example, truth and consistency. In doing so, they define the justification (pragmatism), reference and use of the subject.

Friday, March 09, 2018

Weber Notes 1

“As rational action in the the economic and political sphere follows its own law like autonomy, so every other rational action in the world remains inseparably linked to worldly conditions that are alien to brotherliness.” - Max Weber


Society as technology to navigate, discover and develop structures and processes around lawlike autonomies in physical, economic, political, social, and teleological domains.

Monday, March 05, 2018

Note 138

The maya is the concept of truth itself: truthfulness springs from illusion. Form violates the essence of truth.

Therefore nothing is knowable.

Note 137

Two sources of growth: improved rate of circulation of transactions and money (demand-driven); or improved processes and products (higher circulation of activity or new activities which translates into higher capital circulation and hence drives growth).

Monday, February 26, 2018

Note 136

Competition is mimetic. Units compete for dominance over groups; groups compete for mimetic dominance. Institutions exist to establish, concretize memes into standards, within a context of existing standards.

Power as such in relation to power as an instrument of mimetic competition is as short run to a long run phenomenon.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Note 135

In any complex system, it is not one factor, but a set of factors, that drive a change in question. However, the set of factors that can drive change depend on the interrelationship between that set of factors and other factor conditions, or, an existing systemic state, making changes path-dependent in actual situations. It is assumed constances in those relations that allow for theory.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Note 134

Things belong to a cause-values-identity nexus.


The notion of the properties and object of the self is built on the usefulness of the combination of psychological features and the social structures (profiling, incentives and restrictions) that accompany these features.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Note 133

Space and time are just languages for interpreting signals, that is, a form of sensory grammar.

Monday, February 12, 2018


Culture as framing of natural problems as social problems.

Social values as a necessary condition of doing so - and culture as a seat of contention of values as social values.

Teleology as prioritization of values and culture as contest - every gesture is an expression of contention. So every non-significant gesture renders the culture sterile.

Political Pragmatism as Philosophy

Political pragmatism as philosophy calls for the flourishing of the greatest number of individuals in the context of the value structure of that society- made in recognition of facts of society- and is neutral about systems of governance.

It distinguishes between value structure and power structure of a society- pragmatism is conservatism about value structure not power structure.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Note 132

If you know what you’re doing, your goal should be to maximise return for a given acceptable amount of risk.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, your goal should be to minimise risk for a given acceptable return.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Note 131

Understanding is in essence the understanding of categories, that is, how they fit together or envelop one another.


What determines the primacy of systems? Is that a meaningful question?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Note 130

When do properties become things? When they become causal agents in systems of relations, and are used as propositional subjects. They are epistemically, not ontologically significant.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Philosophical Investigations Note 6

Subject/object distinctions are not a function of form but of clarity over the parameters of a language game for a certain use.

Solidification of qualities as things as a means of establishing relationships among qualities via rules of grammar to anchor and direct language games.

Monday, January 08, 2018

Philosophical Investigations Note 5

Normal is established in the context of the strange, and the strange in the normal.

Properties can only be established within a context. What about colours, like blue or red? Yes - these are descriptors established within a colour context - colours only make sense when related to each other.

What about things? As subjects, they extend beyond the frame -they are what the frame is about. As the intelligible object, they are understood by their properties - defined by their context. The method identifies the concept by contextualizing it, as Wittgenstein notes.

But the concept lies beyond the meaning. Only if the concept lies beyond the use can use be made of it.

Friday, January 05, 2018

Note 129

Two kinds of strategy: forward strategy and backward strategy.

Forward strategy is defined as the application of the principles of momentum and improvisation: to assess the present situation and capacities, in order to determine feasible outcomes and the routes to achieve one’s ends, working from and within the current context.

Backward strategy begins from a set of preferred outcomes based on one’s values and preferences. It then defines the means to achieve these ends, in a variety of situational contexts.

At the risk of confusion, we might call the former “short-run” strategy, and the latter “long-run” strategy.

The cultivation of capacity for both and the ability to suit the combination of both ways of thinking to the opportunities and constraints of each situation is called adaptive strategy.

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Note 128

Generally, in any social interaction, the most important language game is the one that one has with oneself.

A thought is the death of an idea.

Viewed in this light, what is said are residues of truth that have evolved beyond it, and as a characterisation of the relationships of the past, must be viewed as an act of finality.

Monday, January 01, 2018

Note 127

One might say that excess of saving over investment and falling interest rates tend to indicate demand constraints and excessive inequality, while excess of consumption over investment along with rising interest rates indicate savings supply constraints and insufficient inequality.

Rising rates are due to high costs of risk or overheating and inflation. One might say that these may be caused by inadequate savings, which may be partially attributed to overconsumption. Multiplier effects of consumption increase the asset base of banks and hence credit provision, which may help address the problem.