Friday, April 17, 2020

Note 176

There is an inherent instability within democracy in one country as centrifugal forces pull it apart.

Therefore seperate nations, institutionally constituted as states at war with each other, is the neccessary complement.

Global or regional cooperation forces countries to break apart.

This drives the push to either conservative conflicts, or progressive conflicts.

Progressive conflicts lead to smaller entities and the expansion of individual freedoms.

Conservative conflicts lead to preservation of existing orders and stability.

Progressive conflicts come at a cost of inherent and prolonged instability and death, because a new basis for a new social contract has to be found, as a foundation for order.

In other words, a modification of the modern conception of state will result, as another intermediate equilibrium that balances the internal values, and the external relations, of order-providing entities.

What is the principal contradiction? Generally, that between the individual and the collective.

In this case, individual identities revolving around markets, and social collectives up to the national level. Collective identities revolving around state and global institutions, including global markets. A reordering of these relationships in a Socially Darwinistic way may be what true war (a state of nature) is about.