How to extend the rhythmic immediacy of emotion.
To transcend an academic style that is wedded to one's throat like a swelling tonsil that sings stable sounds, deceptively true, confident, as if it could stretch out pure like life in mornings of sunshine.
Of course, the pillaging of one's need for nature is the easiest and earliest undistilled mode of extension - the arrow that slices through air. But how single-minded, how Singaporean, an arrow is! It merely becomes its owner, and its truth is but its target, sole and lonely, and as bound to accusations as it surely deserves it.
So, what is therefore the prognosis of this disease - the Tantalus-yearning-melancholy for the content of unity? The representable, and therefore, far off unity? A separation wrought by the hidden hand of disintegrating conditions?
To speak in uneven tones, to collapse and to be reborn in another form with another step, to sense all and to yield nothing, without the love of suffering self-disgust: that is the given, the economic tradeoff of the untold life, and its mere statement the siren of sadness that is morally wrong, that should never be heard.
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