Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Spirit 1

Spirit is by nature self-interpretation in its own process of unfolding.

Existence is the act of something referring itself to itself.

Because it embodies itself through its interpretation of itself, it becomes inevitable through that unfolding, because the idea itself, in embodying itself, is conditioned by that interpretation.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

An important post

On value investing:

A stock tends towards it's attractor state, which is it's intrinsic value. Price is an illusion.

So likewise life tends towards it's attractor state, which are the ideas contained in it's being. The march of events, or history, is an illusion.

On governance:

Governance is a kind of model to deal with the problem of the orderly and stable distribution of authority over a territory, within a system of States, and wider economic systems. Things like social compacts and forms of contracting are endogenized within the model of governance. These models are very unique to each country.

The change of models happen once in a very long time, and real revolutions are very rare. Most so called revolutions preserve the same model of governance within new institutions.

Every state, through it's existing model of governance, implies the form of violence it can accommodate, before the coordinates of society itself breaks down. Failed states, perhaps, are the only seeds of new models of governance.

On jobs:

What is your ideal job? Its the job which has you as you are as it's ideal.

On art:

Art without spirituality is like science without mathematics. Hence modern art is a waste of time. In music, modern refers to anything after the Baroque era.

Monday, October 27, 2014


1) Irony

The knowledge of fate allows you to take responsibility in actualizing it.

My lack of freedom to determine my destiny gives rise to the responsibility to bring it about. The freedom to self-determine the specifics of the destiny gives rise to the responsibility.

Freedom is exercised through choice, and choice is the result of the interactions of the conditions which limit our freedom with those that allow it.

2) Persons

Persons are the unfolding of ideas in the world. People are just embodiments of ideas that are unfolding in the world of ideas.

The world is just the artifact of ideas, interacting with the progression of ideas.

The world of things are just historical artefacts of the things that are thought and brought into existence by persons, who become themselves as ideas through the chanelling process.

It is the receptacle of the potentiality of ideas, as the residual of that process of incorporation.

Becoming what one is = Embodying the idea that one is

The world supports this process of embodiment because it is itself idea; and the process of that embodiment is itself idea.

The phenomenology of idea-unfolding is just the historical world itself, that is, agency is the relation of the active idea to the systemic totality of ideas.

Problem: Defoundationalization of the systemic totality. How do we reconceptualize it, and therefore our relations to it?

Eg. I will not be an asset manager because I do not embody the idea of one. But I will be a philosopher because I am the idea of philosophy in person; I am philosophy itself.

The primary function of man is to embody the idea that they are in the world.

In so doing, they create their own religion.

In this sense, there are two types of persons: those who create their own religion, and those who follow the creations of others. Other distinctions are irrelevant.

Self-Advice 1

1) The optimal strategy to deal with the factor of randomness in life:

Curb your greed and learn to be opportunistic.

Greed is the desire and action to grab that which is not given to you by the universe.

Opportunism is the ability to seize the windows of opportunity for gain that are periodically handed to you.

One must learn to tell the difference between an act of opportunity and an act of greed or folly.

To do that, one must know enough (ie, know what you are doing), and be enough (ie, to know oneself).

2) On asymmetric volatility:

In a bull market, greed is more reliable than fear: buy calls.

In a bear market, fear is more reliable than greed: buy puts.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Pragmatic Thought (Chain 1)

Evolution of Forms vs Development of Forms.

The mutually conditioning nature is exemplified by ideal science (empirics and ideas).

Use is itself an evolved use of prior use.
Successive evolution of 'terms of use'.

These parameterize the conditions in which future things are made useful.

A dynamic process, whereby the conditions in which knowledge is developed and applied is 'brought along' in the specific terms in which it has been developed (to the exclusion of other possible paths) through successive 'use of use' (recursivity).

(Statements about things, identified in a verbal way follows this general pattern).

The parameters are useful because they are useful, but they are useful because they have created the conditions in which the things which are useful are useful (within those parameters), have themselves created/affected the conditions in which the usefulness of the parameters are made useful. (retroactivity)

This retroactive mutual conditioning of usefulness is the starting point of dynamic stability, which is necessary for the reproduction of things in time.

Of course, there is necessarily (at least) a third criterion, to which the usefulness of the parameter is referenced.

But the the forward movement of time itself, ie, forward movement itself, is the product of usefulness. The retroactivity of certain underlying conditions gave rise to the usefulness of this forward movement.

What are these conditions? (and what are their use?)