Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cut And Paste Article

Since I have no time to post sufficiently, I'll repeat a recent reply I made. Its content is more in the nature of an independent post anyway.

"And no, I don't have a viable alternative to an inviability. Neither am I advocating that Singapore should stop being an independent country."


I would think that your arguments and principles will force you towards that conclusion, as it has for me, unless you really feel that a small state like Singapore can reconcile your (and mine too) ideas of what states should protect with its own need for survival. As it is, I can’t foresee any solution that you might have in mind, besides overthrowing the PAP.

In other words, you still attribute many of the atrocities against human rights to choices made by the government, while I believe that it is a slightly more indirect process. For me, Singapore’s existence, brought about by the PAP, itself relies on violations.

You may not advocate Singapore’s independence, but I grant you will advocate opportunities for open discussions on the value of Singapore’s independence. If the existence of the state itself necessitates large scale measures like conscription, then I don’t see why independence should remain uncontested as a policy itself. And if issues like these do remain uncontestable, wherein lies the value of independence? On social and economic grounds?

The point is that the PAP itself knows that Singaporean independence is merely a calculation, a matter of policy. LKY would gladly merge with Malaysia if it came to practice meritocracy, or if economic situations somehow change. For me, it is the inability of the media (or common discourse) to demystify Singaporean nationalism and thus not render the subject of Singaporean independence taboo, that the greatest curbs to open discussion of Singapore’s most oppressive policies come. We have to discuss policies in that larger context, in that more permissible environment. If not, the opposition, and maybe Molly, will be on the losing side, accused either of illogicality and childishness, or treason (ironic).

After all, even LKY has breached the subject in a candid way. I think that’s proof enough. Thank god I’ll be leaving for a UK education after NS.

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