Saturday, February 26, 2011

Poorly formed confessions part 2

Reactionary moonglade
spill forth your beams
leafy pouts and stored stiff cries
from drunken howl-sore wells
splaying, festive, through
certain tones and pinched off June waters.
Spade a spade and enshrined bones
Sturdying stricken palpatations
Grating, scraps and flaking
Soaring into hell-dreams
Grappling burning ladders
descending, crackling with flames and
overwhelming laughter
All in descent.
All in motionless falling.
Leaping eternally. A cat yowling, and falling apart.
Into brine and bone.

Stuck! Staked!
Turpentine and flailing,
directness in stalking memory.

Violate it, like an indecent dream!
Wide-toothed and lust-soaked grinning,
Raping and pillaging peaceful memory.
As it screams, interfered in prophecy,
cracked in venerable rock and still unworn statues;
spilling forth, what -
notions, mere notions.

Multitudes of mutinied confusions.
Slipping over the observer's perch.
To return to that cliff-rope
that breathed the current of light, dead, dependably futile

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