Sunday, April 03, 2016

Note 52

The relative is understood within the frame of the absolute. The absolute functions as the frame (or category) and object (to which the relative is the negation).

Absoluteness functions both as frame and possibility in the discussion on the Absoluteness of truth. The nature of the assertion is a contingent one, set within an absolute frame.

The refutation of absolute truth is a contingent refutation of a possibility. But a contingent refutation cannot refute an absolute. It can only refute the possibility of an absolute. On the other hand, if it was an absolute refutation, it would be an absolute truth. It then becomes that which it refutes. It is a meta Paradox. It remains a necessity at the level of the transcendental possibility.

So it is with god. It's existence is given through its non-existence. It is the necessary frame through which it's non-existence is made god again. At the transcendental level, it is the negation of the concept of the existence of god.

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