Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Realism, Liberalism and the World State

Conflicts are almost always over ideas, or ideas about interests (or what interests are). They are never about biologically-given interests. And ideas, unlike things, have dialectical development.


The liberals of today are the ape-ancestors of liberals of the future.

They are running up against the incoherence of liberalism in a global world with politics.

Liberalism will have to incorporate the universal aspects of rights and discard the culturally and historically-specific aspects of rights to incorporate all cultural possibilities, and so to become what it is.

The liberalism of today is unable to do this. Therefore the irreversible concept it introduces will be eventually reworked into something that suits the possibility it introduces.

The site of this re-working may not be the nation-state, and in fact, is rather unlikely to be the nation state, which principally serves to characterize and restrict the movement and exchange of people in spatial terms.


Well, of course there is nothing wrong in being a conservative, but conservatives have always been the idiots of history.

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